package scales.utils.collection.path

import scala.collection.immutable.Stack
import scala.collection.IndexedSeqLike
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom

import scales.utils.collection.Tree
import scales.utils.{PathFoldR, FoldR, LeftLike, deepestLast, top, ItemOrTree, TreeCBF}

 * Represents the base for operations that fold over a list of paths
sealed trait FoldOperation[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]] {

  protected def rootChangeAllowed = false

  def perform(path: Path[Item, Section, CC]): FoldR[Item, Section, CC]

  protected def add(path: Path[Item, Section, CC], direction: Int, newPath: Iterable[ItemOrTree[Item, Section, CC]])(implicit cbf : TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC]) : FoldR[Item, Section, CC] = {
    // need to go up to replace
    val parent = path.zipUp
    if ( && !rootChangeAllowed)
        modify { x =>
          val tree = x.right.get;
          val index = path.node.index + direction
          val (pre,pos) = tree.children.splitAt(index)
          val newChildren = (pre ++ newPath) ++ pos
          Tree(tree.section, newChildren)


case class Remove[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](implicit cbf : TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC]) extends FoldOperation[Item, Section, CC] {

  def perform(path: Path[Item, Section, CC]): FoldR[Item, Section, CC] = {
    val ores = path.removeAndUp();
    if (ores.isDefined) Left(ores.get)
    else Right(RemovedRoot)

case class AddBefore[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](newPath: ItemOrTree[Item, Section, CC])(implicit cbf : TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC]) extends FoldOperation[Item, Section, CC] {

  def perform(path: Path[Item, Section, CC]): FoldR[Item, Section, CC] = add(path, 0, List(newPath))

case class AddAfter[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](newPath: ItemOrTree[Item, Section, CC])(implicit cbf : TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC]) extends FoldOperation[Item, Section, CC] {

  def perform(path: Path[Item, Section, CC]): FoldR[Item, Section, CC] = add(path, 1, List(newPath))

 * Use to make it easier to filter out large sets (for those that aren't interesting simply asis them, see tests for use case)
case class AsIs[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]]() extends FoldOperation[Item, Section, CC] {

  def perform(path: Path[Item, Section, CC]): FoldR[Item, Section, CC] = Left(path)

object Replace {
   * Simpler interface
  def apply[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](replaceWith: ItemOrTree[Item, Section, CC]*)(implicit cbf : TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC]) = new Replace[Item, Section, CC](replaceWith)


 * Allows replacing one path with many, may be easier to use the * version however
case class Replace[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](replaceWith: Iterable[ItemOrTree[Item, Section, CC]])(implicit cbf : TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC]) extends FoldOperation[Item, Section, CC] {
  override def rootChangeAllowed = true

  def perform(path: Path[Item, Section, CC]): FoldR[Item, Section, CC] = {
    // modify with tail
    val tpath = path.modify(_ => replaceWith.head)
    add(tpath, 1, replaceWith.tail)

 * Allows foldPositions to be nested, only replace and delete makes sense here (afaict).
 * As such, when wholeTree is false, the path (which must be a tree) is transformed
 *     p => top(p.tree)
 * and a special case for "deletes" is made - when RemovedRoot is returned from the transformation a delete will take place on the Path.  This enforces that only replace and removes are possible and function appropriately.
 * Warning:
 * When wholeTree is true the function f is passed the Path (or item) in the original tree, any transformations are then conusmed across the whole tree, which is likely not desired. 
case class ReplaceWith[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](f: PathFoldR[Item, Section, CC], wholeTree : Boolean = false)(implicit cbf : TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC]) extends FoldOperation[Item, Section, CC] {

  def perform(path: Path[Item, Section, CC]): FoldR[Item, Section, CC] =
    // modify back in (allows changes), or pass on the error
    f( if (wholeTree) 
	 top(path.tree) ).
      fold(fres => 
	Left(path.modify(_ => 
        x => {
	  if ((x eq RemovedRoot) && 
	    // delete the node - special case as per doc
	    Remove().perform(path) // it might itself be the root but thats fine


sealed trait FoldError

case object NoPaths extends FoldError
case object NoSingleRoot extends FoldError
case object RemovedRoot extends FoldError
case object AddedBeforeOrAfterRoot extends FoldError